Sharpening Memory and Mind

You’re standing in the produce isle when you see a familiar face. Smiling, she pushes her cart in your direction.  You blank on her name. There’s no escape now. “Hey you!” Or perhaps you arrive home from your shopping trip only to realize you forgot READ MORE…

Relief for Dry, Aging Skin

Restoring Soft, Youthful Skin My skin has always been dry, especially in winter. Around age 10, I developed deep painful cracks in my calloused heels. My pediatrician used a scalpel to pare off the rough hard surface, leaving softer skin for a short time. Dryness READ MORE…

Is Meat Dangerous?

Is meat dangerous

Will eating bacon for breakfast give you cancer? The recent WHO study linking red and cured meats to possible increased risk of cancer is not news. We have long known of a link. As far as significance, you be the judge. If you live in READ MORE…

Cilantro Power

Cilantro Power

Cilantro is the perfect medicine in today’s heavy metal world. We are all exposed to varying levels of toxic metals, including aluminum, mercury, lead, and cadmium. This flavorful herb binds toxic metals stored in our tissues so we can more easily excrete them. It is the perfect cooling compliment to spicy dishes across the globe.


Self Screening for Prevention

Self Prevention

Chances are you will notice an impending health issue before your doctor can. A lab test often picks up abnormalities only after things have progressed. Real prevention starts with reading your own subclinical signs and symptoms and taking steps to remedy issues with diet and READ MORE…

Eat More, Weigh Less

eat more weigh less

My all time heaviest client, weighing in at over 800 pounds, refuses tea, kale, fish and anything with cilantro. Her favorite foods include potatoes, beef, chips, and soda. My leanest clients often come from other countries. They regularly eat things such as sweetbreads….


Follow Your Energy

Weight Loss Diets

When we follow our energy in making decisions, we less often end up in front of the refrigerator or with a carton of ice cream in hand. We more often feel like being active, less like sitting on the couch. This translates into more calories burned and a boost in mood and better health.


Pain Killer?

Pain Killers

Acetaminophen overwhelms liver detoxification, depleting glutathione, a critical antioxidant. Without this protection cells no longer produce energy and die off. Liver damage can turn into liver and kidney failure and increase risk of death. Alternatives provide better pain relief with health benefits.


Why People Fail

The body produces a host of hormones and neurochemicals that drive feelings, motivation and appetite. Hormones and brain chemicals are influenced by thoughts, sleep and by what we eat. It is easier than you think to make your own satiety chemicals while cutting those that stimulate cravings and appetite. It’s not willpower you need.


Breast Cancer, Alzheimer’s & Aluminum

Regular exposure to aluminum can lead to confusion, memory loss, problems with balance and coordination and allergic reactions to a wide range of substances. Aluminum is found in abnormal levels in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Aluminum turns normal cells into cancer cells.


Over Kale


Kale salads are sprouting up on menus everywhere. You can find massaged kale Caesars and kale pulverized in smoothies.
This may not be the health food it seems. A daily dose may leave you tired and gaining weight due to build up of a unique wax.


Food and Hormones

We think of hormones as having little do to with diet, however food can play a big role in hormone health, from puberty to menopause and beyond.   If you want to minimize risky hormone changes, start with GMO-free food.


Building a Butter Body

Saturated fats are not associated with coronary artery disease. We need them. Saturates give our cell walls integrity. They enable us to produce hormones. The brain is primarily saturated fat and cholesterol and requires a steady diet of these nutrients to thrive.

Fats slow absorption of food so we aren’t hungry soon after meals. We can’t build strong bones without fat.


Holiday Recovery

Holiday eating used to leave me feeling frustrated, fat and fatigued, which lead to anxiety and more unhealthy food choices. The good news is you can detox your liver, shed holiday weight and restore your energy and calm quite quickly.



t is a form of energy medicine, not a drug. It is for you if you overeat, drink to excess, drink too much coffee, or even pop too many medications. It even helps with the effects of too much work or play. It relieves hangovers and indigestion.


Second Brain Anxiety

  It may seem like anxiety is all in your head, but research shows it may be coming from your gut. Our bodies are home to trillions of bacteria, more bacterial cells than cells of our body actually. These bacteria, many of which are in READ MORE…

Natural Sweeteners

Just Like Sugar is made from chicory root, an indigestible (thus sugar and calorie-free) carbohydrate that offers health benefits along with a surprising sugary likeness. Inulin is a pre-biotic, which feeds good intestinal bacteria. It is even Paleo-approved.


Reverse Skin Aging

Skin-protecting fats are found in coconut and palm oils, butter, beef and pork. Monounsaturated fats come from olive oil, macadamia nuts or oil and duck fat. The fats to be avoided are vegetable oils, including canola, safflower, sunflower and soybean oils, especially when hydrogenated.


Stress-Induced Fat Cravings

A low-fat diet isn’t the answer. Studies show low fat diets increase tension, hostility and anger. Fat helps us regain a feeling of calm by decreasing stress hormones. Fat and sugar can make us feel good. But you knew that. Now, what to do?


When Fiber is Unhealthy

Fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains are loaded with a variety of fiber types, which are not always a good thing, at least for some. Are you often plagued by bloating, gas, cramping, constipation or diarrhea and perhaps acid reflux? Have you been diagnosed with IBS? IBD?


Lardy, Lardy

In 1910 lard enjoyed 70 percent of the market share for fats. Heart disease was unheard of, obesity was rare and risk of diabetes was 1 in 30. But then marketing spin, spearheaded by the soybean oil industry, made lard out to be as frightening as today’s swine flue. We were to switch to margarine and vegetable oils.


Holiday Survival

How do we keep from feeling deprived while passing up those festive treats? …. or the mulled wine?….. the fudge? …. another glass of bubbly? You need more than behavior modification.


Eggs and Arteries

What do we know about the commercial eggs of today? Hens kept in cages and deprived of weeds, bugs and sunlight produce eggs with more inflammatory omega-6 fats, less artery protective omega-3’s, less vitamins A, E and D, and, if it matters, more cholesterol than hens roaming on pastures. Pastured hens produce visibly darker egg yolks, a sign of more health-protective antioxidants.


Do Calories Count?

Is weight-gain a simple matter of calories in vs. calories out? Many nutritionists think so. I don’t.
I have had clients reduce intake to just 800 calories per day, while hitting the gym daily, and they can’t burn off a pound. One female client of mine worked out at her gym 3 hours a day, and hard. Her over-exercising actually produced so much cortisol from the stress, it was impossible for her to lose her belly weight.

I’ve had clients add just one mineral supplement and weight falls off with no other changes.