
Stopping Colds and Flu — 6 Comments

  1. I just made bone broth yesterday. 🙂 I am on the mend….thank you. I didn’t have any mucous. I have been slacking on my vitamins as I’m not on a schedule with them right now…I have Vit D, zinc, magnesium, probiotics, and C. In your opinion, are there better times to take those supplements or is anytime of the day okay…. at least I’m taking them?
    Thank you!

    • Great on the bone broth! Sometimes we slack on supplements because we don’t need them anymore, or they are not the ideal choice for us at this time. That said, there can be different ways to use some supplements. Vitamin D absorbs only with fats but probiotics can be taken on an empty stomach or with food depending on the benefit you want. You might want to do an hour phone tune-up to go over your needs and best strategy for you. We change!

  2. Hi There! I have been fighting the cough-the wet, rumbling one-for a week now. My head is VERY heavy-feeeling & body is at a very low with energy which I don’t like! I feel like I am getting the chills, but not really, and slight body aches. I have been resting which helps. Does Vit C in powdered form help here, Linda? Thanks so much!

    • I have been working with lots of people with cold and flu symptoms and illness can usually be headed off by hitting it early with the right homeopathics and nutrients. You are at a later state and thus it’s harder to turn this around. There are some cell salts depending on (sorry for graphics) mucous color and viscosity and a few other clarifying signs. Vitamin C is not a bad idea as it will give your immune system a nudge. You may be low in zinc – I would have to ask about other symptoms to know for sure, or low in D, which also weakens immunity. Nothing like bone broth to build up your immune system and strength. Hope you are on the mend.

  3. Why does the medical/pharma complex (ie. doctors, hospitals, etc.) so readily prescribe antibiotics for the common cold and flu? Aren’t these caused by viruses, and therefore not treatable by antibiotics? The way I understand it, the holistic/natural/organic folks see antibiotics as a damper or killer of the probiotics we need in the gut, which is said to make up at least 85% of our immune system! Comments?

    • Antibiotics are prescribed sometimes because a doctor doesn’t know whether it is a bacteria or virus. In some cases, they prescribe because the patient wants something, anything, and an antibiotic can assuage the patient. Sometimes doctors worry a bacterial infection may set in along with the viral infection. It is common knowledge antibiotics damage the body’s eco-system, much like clear cutting a forest. The body’s immune system is then compromised, moods are affected because our gut flora influence neurotransmitters and thus mood. Antibiotics can leave a person with anxiety where there was none before by destroying the flora that communicate with the brain. This is not a theory. I have had many clients develop panic disorders after being given antibiotics. It is possible your daughter has been getting something in her diet that has disturbed her gut flora.

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